Reporting a Car Accident in Ontario

If you have been injured as a result of a motor vehicle accident, contact 911 and inform your auto insurance company. Use of this form does not replace reporting your accident to the relevant authorities as required by law.

You may use this webform to gather information about your accident. A copy will be sent to you for your own records and safekeeping.

If you wish to be contacted by a Personal Injury Lawyer to discuss your potential claim for compensation, please select that option below and a Personal Injury Lawyer will contact you within 24 hours.

    I would like to be contacted by a Personal Injury Lawyer for free to discuss my options for making a claim:

    Yes, please contact meNo, do not contact me

    If you request to be contacted by a lawyer, the information you provide in this webform will be shared with a Personal Injury Lawyer for the purposes of assisting you with any potential claim for compensation. Your information will not be used for any other purposes and will not be shared, or otherwise redistributed for any other reason. By clicking SUBMIT, I understand and agree that submitting a question does not form any lawyer-client relationship.